When you start to learn sight reading music, the most difficult is to overcome the fear of mistake. But the bad in school is perfectly normal in a game. So, we gemified it!
ClefQuest - is not just an educational app with some game elements, it's a real arcade on the space of music score. At the same time, it was developed taking into account biological mechanisms of learning.
You can play it without thinking, but for real victory you need to know music notes. Win by recognizing music notes better and better. Your success depends on experience, but also on your luck!
Start in simple mode, and then test your memory for speed and hearing for accuracy. Learn notes and have fun!
- original game mechanic
- several modes (find a note by name or by ear)
- ability to play with comfort on small screens
- atmospheric sound series, which you create yourself
- each music note requires unique tactic
- range more then 2 octaves
- treble and bass clef
Ketika Anda mulai belajar musik membaca penglihatan, yang paling sulit adalah untuk mengatasi rasa takut kesalahan. Tapi buruk di sekolah adalah hal yang normal dalam sebuah permainan. Jadi, kami gemified itu!
ClefQuest - bukan hanya sebuah aplikasi pendidikan dengan beberapa elemen permainan, itu adalah arcade nyata pada ruang skor musik. Pada saat yang sama, itu dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan mekanisme biologis pembelajaran.
Anda dapat memainkannya tanpa berpikir, tapi untuk kemenangan nyata yang perlu Anda ketahui catatan musik. Menang dengan mengenali musik catatan yang lebih baik dan lebih baik. Keberhasilan Anda tergantung pada pengalaman, tetapi juga pada keberuntungan Anda!
Mulai dalam mode sederhana, dan kemudian menguji memori Anda untuk kecepatan dan mendengar untuk akurasi. Pelajari catatan dan bersenang-senang!
- mekanik game asli
- beberapa mode (menemukan catatan dengan nama atau telinga)
- kemampuan untuk bermain dengan kenyamanan pada layar kecil
- seri suara atmosfer, yang Anda buat sendiri
- setiap catatan musik membutuhkan taktik yang unik
- kisaran lebih dari 2 oktaf
- treble dan bass clef
When you start to learn sight reading music, the most difficult is to overcome the fear of mistake. But the bad in school is perfectly normal in a game. So, we gemified it!
ClefQuest - is not just an educational app with some game elements, it's a real arcade on the space of music score. At the same time, it was developed taking into account biological mechanisms of learning.
You can play it without thinking, but for real victory you need to know music notes. Win by recognizing music notes better and better. Your success depends on experience, but also on your luck!
Start in simple mode, and then test your memory for speed and hearing for accuracy. Learn notes and have fun!
- original game mechanic
- several modes (find a note by name or by ear)
- ability to play with comfort on small screens
- atmospheric sound series, which you create yourself
- each music note requires unique tactic
- range more then 2 octaves
- treble and bass clef